While investigating out a water company as part of their new assignment as members of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, Darien spots the mysterious figure of a woman hovering over a computer...but only when he's invisible. He and Hobbes take the computer with them, and the ghost appears to Fawkes again, leading him back to the water company, and the ghost's daughter, Megan. Ordered not to investigate by the Official, Fawkes (naturally) investigates anyway, and discovers the mother was apparently killed in a particle accelerator ""accident"". The ghost, Lucille, has managed to hold herself together as a form of energy, but is only visible along the wavelengths that Darien can see when invisible. Darien discovers Lucille had discovered a means of creating cheap cold fusion, and her boss Dr. Henrick had her killed. Pretending to be the ghost, Fawkes tricks a confession out of the boss, but then gets knocked out by a lucky shot. Lucille traps her former employer in the particle accelerato