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The Hakone Mountain Night Battle

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Itami explains everything to his ex-wife Risa, who agrees to help him by bringing Rory, Lelei and Tuka for a shopping trip the next day while Akira accompanies Piña and Bozes to the library after both of them have taken interest in Boys-Love manga from Risa. Meanwhile, Itami meets with his old friend, Defense Minister Kanou Tarou, who orders him to bring their Special Region guests to a Hot Spring Inn guarded by the Japanese SFG. As Itami's group stays at the Inn for some fun and getting know Risa and Bozes' crush on Akira, three different Black Ops team enter the area via the forest and battle with the SFG. When the SFG manages to identity and informs Minister Tarou that two of the Black Ops operatives are foreigners, the Japanese Prime Minister is blackmailed by the US President who wants the SFG to stop attacking his Black Ops team so they can take the Special Region guests with them. The Prime Minister orders Tarou to tell his men to stand down but not before revealing he will be resigning. As the three Black Ops team heads to the Inn, Itami deals with a drunken and aroused Rory.

Next episode
S01E10 - Despair and Hope


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