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Chaîne de montagnes mystérieuses, les Pyrénées renferment de sombres secrets. Dans cette vidéo, on explore trois énigmes irrésolues dont les réponses se cachent peut-être au cœur de leurs vallées...

? LEGENDEX, mon application d'explorations insolites :
? ANDROID ▸ http://bit.ly/344VnMx
? iOS ▸ https://apple.co/2XPRVpt

? Les Sombres Énigmes de France : https://amzn.to/3MEsxs2
? Ma chaîne sur LOST : https://bit.ly/3bupfUU
? Me faire un coucou : https://www.twitter.com/didichandouidou

? Crédits photos/vidéos :

? La Folle du Vicdessos
Alaska Bear : https://www.alaska.org/things-to-do/bear-viewing
Alix Soulie : https://alix-soulie.fr/films/
Boudu le Mag : https://www.boudulemag.com/2021/02/le-mystere-de-la-femme-sauvage-des-pyrenees/
Medtruth : https://medtruth.com/articles/womens-health/new-york-liberty-womens-health-in-prison-forgotten-behind-bars/
Wikipedia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%A2teau_de_Foix
Vitavie Photographie : https://www.agora-photo.com/femme-nu-a-l-etat-sauvage-22706.html

? Les Cagots
Pyrénées Drone Cinematic : https://youtu.be/ZSifGMOBhP4
Ouest France : https://www.ouest-france.fr/leditiondusoir/2020-07-09/les-cagots-les-intouchables-du-moyen-age-63a9861f-82cb-4f0c-ab60-404945b14ded
Hilke Maunder : https://meinfrankreich.com/cagots/
La République des Pyrénées : https://www.larepubliquedespyrenees.fr/pyrenees-atlantiques/moumour/moumour-et-sa-vieille-tradition-de-cagots-5089997.php
Les Mouettes 17 : http://lesmouettes17.eklablog.fr/abbaye-de-saint-savin-65-a155737002
Cœur de Bearn : https://www.coeurdebearn.com/fr/decouvrir/culture-et-traditions-en-bearn/les-cagots-un-mystere-en-bearn.html
Wikipedia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagot
Caminando por la Historia : https://caminandoporlahistoria.com/pueblos-de-los-agotes/

? La Pierre d'Ôo
Wikipedia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%C3%B4 et https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_(mythologie_basque)/wiki/Fichier:Augustins_-_La_Femme_au_serpent_-_Oo_%28Haute-Garonne%29_-_ME_254.jpg
Musée des Augustins : https://augustins.org/fr/search-notice/detail/me-254-la-femme-e12ca
Festival du Comminges : http://www.festival-du-comminges.com/eglise-saint-jacques-et-tour-du-castet-doo/
Laandscapes : https://www.laanscapes.com/ghostly-mountains
Le Kodiak Futé : http://lekodiakfute.over-blog.com/2015/02/la-deesse-pyrene.html
Michel Bessone : http://www.michelbessone.fr/stele-gallo-romaine-de-guchan-colombes-auroises/
Architecture Funéraire : https://architecturefuneraire.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/les-pratiques-funeraires-gallo-romaines/
Exploring the Tributaries : https://youtu.be/00EwljykXQ4
Wikimedia : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sculpture_de_la_femme_aux_serpents.jpg
Journals : https://journals.openedition.org/cem/16670?lang=en et https://journals.openedition.org/cem/16670?lang=en

? Crédits musiques :
Scott Buckley : https://www.youtube.com/@ScottBuckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
CO.AG Music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA

? Sommaire de la vidéo :
00:00 - Introduction
00:45 - La Folle des Pyrénées
06:07 - Les Cagots
12:00 - La Pierre d'Ôo
17:59 - Conclusion

BetaSeries' opinion
Why You Should Watch 'ValWho Artworks' and Add It to Your BetaSeries Account

In the vast landscape of television series, few shows manage to carve out a niche as distinctively as "ValWho Artworks." This remarkable series takes viewers on a journey through the mind of an erstwhile mediocre filmmaker who has transformed into a talented yet underrated voice in film and television critique. With its unique premise, engaging content, and relatable humor, "ValWho Artworks" is not just another show; it’s an experience waiting to be discovered.

The beauty of "ValWho Artworks" lies in its ability to merge critical analysis with the joy of cinema and television. Each episode serves up insightful critiques that provoke thought while maintaining an entertaining tone. Val's journey begins with his review of Jurassic World in Episode 1, where he tackles expectations versus reality with a witty flair. His candid approach encourages viewers to engage actively—asking them to comment on their own opinions and experiences with the films discussed. This interaction creates a community feel among fans who share their thoughts on various cinematic gems.

As we delve deeper into the episodes, we find Val tackling diverse subjects ranging from hip-hop biopics like "Straight Outta Compton" to sci-fi masterpieces such as Ridley Scott's "The Martian." In Episode 2, Val pays homage to N.W.A., exploring how they shaped the gangsta rap genre while inviting viewers to dive into their music through linked videos. This connection between film reviews and music establishes an enriching context for each critique—making it more than just about movies but rather about culture itself.

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