The episode begin with the protagonist,a young 14 year old male LBX player named Ban Yamano,heading to the Tokio Sia Department Store for the announcement of the latest LBX model manufactured by Tiny Orbit.
A mysterious boy appeared and is shown playing an arcade game of LBX against a young boy.He won the match,thus achieving his twenty consecutive wins.Later,he claims his prize,the limited edition Space Hero Senshiman custom figure at the counter.When he was about to leave,the young man challenge him for a rematch but he refuses,thus resulting in making the young man angry but fortunately a man stopped the young man from starting a fight.Soon,he accidentally bump into a mysterious man and drop his prize.
The mysterious boy later is seen sitting on a bench,opening his prize,checking whether his figure was alright.He was shocked when he found out that there is an LBX in the box.He later tried to used it but couldn't control it properly.He then met Ban after Perseus almost hit Ban.Hiro tried to use it again and managed to control it thanks to Ban's guidance.They revealed their name to each other before Ban's departure.
Upon Ban's arrival at Tokio Sia Department Store,he met his best friends,Kazuya Aoshima and Ami Kawamura.Soon,Takuya Uzaki announce Tiny Orbit's latest LBX model,Achilles Deed.Takuya stated that Achilles Deed will be released worldwide. Hiro saw a vision of LBXs rampaging in Tokio Sia Department Store and then rushed to Tokio Sia Department Store.Achilles Deed somehow went rampaged and started attacking.The LBXs inside Toys Craft store also started to rampage.