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Mon 28 Aug, 2006 [Episode 2]

7 members

Charlie is watching from afar as the police arrive at Maria’s. He’s over there like a shot playing the concerned landlord offering to help her clean up. As he miraculously finds her grandma’s ring, offers to get her a new TV and to train his CCTV on her door Maria becomes more re-assured. She tells him she doesn’t know what she would have done without him and moves in for a kiss but Charlie pulls away leaving her wanting more. Has his sinister plan to win her back round worked? Michelle still can’t do right for doing wrong in Liz’s eyes as she continues to make her mark at the Rovers. But when Vernon makes it clear that if she stays in his good books there’ll always be work for her Michelle is left increasingly troubled. How can she put a stop to his sleazy ways? Fiz and Molly discuss the state of her relationship with Kirk as the pair walk in the countryside. Fiz starts to think they might both be happier if she dumped him and when she arrives back at the cottage to be greeted by an oblivious Kirk she’s left increasingly exasperated by his hapless attitude. And Dev returns to the street in a foul mood after his meeting with Sunita, has he not received the news he was so hoping for?

Next episode
S47E170 - Wed 30 Aug, 2006


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