Heinrich Von Marzipan is kidnapped from the KND Arctic Prison by a ship of black licorice pirates. After the theme song, it shows a different scene where a large group of candy pirates are drinking pure sugar. After Stickybeard defeats a candy pirate at drinking sugar. Stickybeard challenges anybody to face Stickybeard. No one answers but Numbuh 5 is next and challenges Stickybeard to a chugging match to see who can drink a cup of sugar faster. Numbuh 5 wants information about Heinrich's disappearance, which somehow involves black licorice, in return if she wins. Stickybeard is even dared when Numbuh 5 says Stickybeard is "Sugar free". Sticky accepts but loses to Abby. Stickybeard asks for 2 outta 3 but Numbuh 5 declines. So Stickybeard begins telling a tale in song, along with the rest of the candy pirates. The pirates tell the tale of Black John Licorice and his pirate crew who find a island near North Dakota filled with red licorice trees. Black John took all the trees but a terrible misfortune was exposed for him and the pirates. The fate was that the licorice turned black and every night, the pirates would turn into licorice and at dawn and day, they would become a pile of bones. The pirates soon discover from a gypsy fortune-teller that they must plant a licorice seed that she gives them on the island so the licorice would grow again, and the curse would be broken. The pirates do so but while on the island, the dawn rose and they became a pile of bones.