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Crème Caramel (Flan) | Basics with Babish (feat. Dominique Ansel)

4 members

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Dominique Ansel's Website: DominiqueAnsel.com
We're Shipping To You: DominiqueAnselOnline.com
Instagram: instagram.com/dominiqueansel
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This week, renowned pastry chef and Cronut®-inventor Dominique Ansel joins me in the kitchen to show me how to make a custardy classic: crème caramel, also known as flan. I've always been intimidated by the dish, so being taught by one of the greatest bakers in the world should help me make something edible!

Recipe: https://basicswithbabish.co/basicsepisodes/creme-caramel

Music by Chillhop: http://chillhop.com/listen
"Apple Pies & Butterflies" by Blue Wednesday
Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify

Babish Cookware on Amazon: http://bit.ly/babishstore

My playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish!

TikTok: https://bit.ly/2PnG0uC
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S01E393 - Binging with Babish: Fettuccine Alfredo from The Office
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