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Lundi PiViPi - Cube Control - Minecraft PVP

13 members

A l'ancienne !

La map : http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/1520286-cube-control-pvp-bed-wars-12w38b

avec :
ika : https://www.youtube.com/user/maolmordha91
prof : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0IGxPDhItV5sN7Gwy58Gyg
tagazok : https://www.youtube.com/user/Tagazok59Videos
mouette : https://www.youtube.com/user/MouetteCie
as2pik : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMagohamot

Jouez vous aussi aux maps du lundi pivipi avec nous sur Erisium (mc.erisium.com) grâce au PiViPi Week !

PiViPi Week est un nouveau concept imaginé par Erisium où chaque semaine vous pourrez jouer vous-même, avec nous ou avec vos amis, sur les mêmes maps que l'on testera en vidéo avec le reste des patricks (quand ya pas d'imprévu / de vacance), découvrez-en plus sur http://eri.si/pivipi-week !

Fondé par Nems et moi-même, Erisium est notre nouveau serveur Minecraft de mini-jeux en version 1.8 jusqu'à 1.11. UHC, Splatoon, Buildtionnary, Fatality... vous y trouverez à coup sûr votre bonheur accompagné de succès, défis, récompenses, parties personnalisées, cosmétiques et bien d'autres. Profitez d'un grade VIP gratuitement en accédant à http://getvip.erisium.com !

IP : mc.erisium.com (1.8, 1.9, 1.10 et 1.11)
Site : http://www.Erisium.com
Twitter : @Erisium (http://twitter.com/Erisium)

BetaSeries' opinion
Dive into the World of Siphano: A Gamer's Paradise

If you are a fan of video games, particularly the legendary Zelda franchise, then "Siphano" is a TV series that you absolutely cannot miss. Since its inception in 2011, Siphano has grown into a beloved show for gamers and enthusiasts alike, with an impressive 11 seasons and nearly 6,000 episodes showcasing the passion and dedication of its creator, Julien (a.k.a. Siphano). This engaging series invites viewers to experience some of the most iconic games through Let's Plays that are as entertaining as they are informative.

In the inaugural episode, Siphano takes us deep into the enchanting world of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time," specifically in its Master Quest version. This unique twist on a classic game not only showcases Siphano's gaming skills but also his ability to connect with his audience by encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences. His charm and enthusiasm shine through every video, making it easy for viewers to become invested in each episode.

As we continue exploring this incredible series, we delve into more adventures beyond Zelda. In Episode 2, Siphano introduces himself as Julien and shares his journey into content creation while inviting viewers to subscribe for future videos. The connection he builds with his audience is genuine; it's evident that he wants to share his love for gaming with everyone who tunes in. The community he fosters through platforms like Discord further solidifies why so many fans gravitate towards him and his work.

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S06E07 - Teaser - MEGA SERVEUR ARK multi RP - The Darkness
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