  • Genre Dokumentation
  • Dauer einer Episode 45 Minuten
  • Gesamtdauer 3 Stunden 45 Minuten
  • Status Läuft
  • Kanal TVNZ
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 30 mars 2023 - 03:30
    auf 11 Datenbanken

What Next?

3 Mitglieder 1 Staffel5 Episoden

Nigel Latta and John Campbell and a team of internationally recognised NZ 'futurists' will ask the big question : What do we want our lives to look like 20 years from now?
Using social media, viewers will be encouraged to be part of the conversation, creating a unique national conversation.
Topics explored will include the impact of technology, the changing environment, the economy and the lifestyle we want for the future.



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