  • Land Vereinigte Staaten
  • Genres Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Miniserie
  • Dauer einer Episode 90 Minuten
  • Gesamtdauer 4 Stunden 30 Minuten
  • Status Abgeschlossen
  • Kanal Syfy
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 3 juillet 2020 - 04:15
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Tin Man

429 Mitglieder 1 Staffel3 Episoden

Dorothy Gale, a.k.a. DG, is all grown up and bored. She mopes around, works as a waitress, and goes to school part time. Before she knows it she's back in OZ (a.k.a. Outer Zone) and on the run from the evil sorceress Azkadellia and her storm troopers and clumsy bats. Along the way she falls in with some strange characters including the brainless Glitch, Raw, a cowardly and psychic lion-man hybrid, and, in the largest deviation, Wyatt Cain, a cowboy cop from Central City called a "tin man" because of his tin badge.




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