Based on the same-titled manga, this drama is set in the town of Minatocho. Baba Hospital, the local clinic in a small port town, is closed for business. The clinic’s director Baba Kohei suddenly died and his only daughter Asuka, a nurse of one year, has been desperately searching around for a doctor to be his successor. Then Tsuruta Masayoshi, nicknamed Jumbo, suddenly shows up at Baba Hospital with an emergency patient in tow. He used to work with Asuka’s father at the hospital but left town because of some trouble 12 years ago. Although he saves the patient with admirable skill, he is not the fine young man he used to be but has transformed into a greedy, brutish and arrogant person. Furthermore, he is here with Baba’s IOU for the 100 million yen he loaned as well as deed to the land and property. To Asuka’s shock, Jumbo declares that the clinic is now his, and settles into