  • Genre Dokumentation
  • Dauer einer Episode 55 Minuten
  • Gesamtdauer 5 Stunden 30 Minuten
  • Status Läuft
  • Kanal ATRESplayer Premium
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 28 juin 2022 - 05:30
    auf 11 Datenbanken

The Bourbons: a royal family

Los Borbones: una familia real
10 Mitglieder 1 Staffel6 Episoden

‘The Bourbons: a royal family‘, the first documentary series on the Spanish monarchy. It is directed by the creator Aitor Gabilondo and the journalist Ana Pastor. The series will consist of six episodes and is co-produced by ATRESMEDIA TV, Newtral and Exile Content, in collaboration with Alea Media.




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