  • Land Vereinigte Staaten
  • Genres Krimi, Dokumentation
  • Dauer einer Episode 42 Minuten
  • Gesamtdauer 22 Stunden 24 Minuten
  • Status Läuft
  • Kanal Investigation Discovery
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 25 mai 2023 - 05:32
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death

16 Mitglieder 5 Staffeln32 Episoden

Evil casts a shadow. That shadow spreads outward for years, even decades, after a crime. It consumes everyone in its path, pulling them into darkness. Can they find the light? Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death explores the endless reach of evil, a reach that extends long after the act of evil itself. This original series highlights the struggle to survive as innocent people find themselves caught in the wake of death and evil.




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