  • Genres Abenteuer, Zeichentrick, Anime, Kinder
  • Dauer einer Episode 25 Minuten
  • Gesamtdauer 36 Stunden 15 Minuten
  • Status Abgeschlossen
  • Kanal TV Tokyo
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 3 décembre 2020 - 11:30
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Chuck, der schlaue Biber

Don Chuck Beaver
13 Mitglieder 2 Staffeln87 Episoden

Castor lives in the forest of Clairefontaine with his father -- his mother died when he was a baby. He misses his mother terribly and his love for her is reflected through his looking into the sky and 'talking' to her, resulting in a vision of the deceased, usually in the moon during the night. Family relationships are more often than not a focus of the series, through reunions, finding lost relatives and conflicts between family and friends, the latter sometimes resulting in a character running away from home. Happily, these situations end on a positive note.




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