The story follows the crafty and scheming prince Cui Xingzhou and the clever, sly bandit leader Liu Miantang in a "cat-and-mouse" love game. Tasked with quelling the bandit trouble on Mount Yang, Cui Xingzhou accidentally rescues Liu Miantang—his formidable rival whom he has never met—mistaking her for the favorite concubine of the bandit leader. After suffering severe injuries, Liu Miantang awakens with partial amnesia and mistakes Cui Xingzhou for her “husband,” Cui Jiu. Playing along, Cui Xingzhou assumes the role of the downtrodden merchant Cui Jiu, posing as her husband.
Unexpectedly, even with her memory loss, Liu Miantang’s courage and intelligence shine through as she opens a thriving porcelain shop, impressing Cui Xingzhou with her business skills and causing his admiration to grow into affection. Meanwhile, Liu Miantang begins to sense that her “husband” Cui Jiu may be hiding secrets of his own.