  • SERIEN 6
  • FILME 3

Bret Lada

Bret Lada hat 6 Serien und 3 Filme gedreht. Unter anderem spielte er White House Aide in der Serie Succession.Im Kino in der Rolle des Jimmy G im Spielfilm Murder at the Murder Mystery Party.

Bret Lada

Serien (6)

White House Aide
Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black
Newly Engaged Man
Person of Interest
Person of Interest
Bradley's Boyfriend
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Jack Price
Good Wife
Good Wife
Troy Mallick
Z: the Beginning of Everything
Z: the Beginning of Everything
Martini Maker

Filme (3)

Murder at the Murder Mystery Party
Murder at the Murder Mystery Party
Jimmy G
Bad Connection
Bad Connection
Sergeant Davis
The Neighbors' Window
The Neighbors' Window
Neighbor Man