  • SERIEN 9
  • FILM 1

Ana Maria Jomolca

Ana Maria Jomolca hat 9 Serien und 1 Film gedreht. Unter anderem spielte sie Single Mom in der Serie Marvel's Daredevil.Im Kino in der Rolle der Foster Mother im Spielfilm Jack of the Red Hearts.

Ana Maria Jomolca

Serien (9)

Marvel's Daredevil
Marvel's Daredevil
Single Mom
Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black
Sister Floris
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Ellen Gray
30 Rock
30 Rock
Cleaning Lady
Law & Order
Law & Order
Ina Hellman / Ina Mellman
Without a Trace - Spurlos verschwunden
Without a Trace - Spurlos verschwunden
Cop #1
Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Visier
Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Visier
Jocelyn Bart
Law & Order - Trial by Jury
Law & Order - Trial by Jury


Jack of the Red Hearts
Jack of the Red Hearts
Foster Mother