  • SERIEN 4
  • FILME 3

Ed Wightman

Ed Wightman hat 4 Serien und 3 Filme gedreht. Unter anderem spielte er Yellowly in der Serie Harrow.Im Kino in der Rolle des Maths Teacher im Spielfilm Ellie and Abbie (and Ellie's Dead Aunt).

Ed Wightman

Serien (4)

Home and Away
Home and Away
Doctor Simms
The Heart Guy
The Heart Guy
Tricky Business
Tricky Business
Steve Evans

Filme (3)

Ellie and Abbie (and Ellie's Dead Aunt)
Ellie and Abbie (and Ellie's Dead Aunt)
Maths Teacher
Sequin in a Blue Room
Sequin in a Blue Room
The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson
The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly…
Gentleman 1