  • FILME 2

Binh Dang

Binh Dang hat keine Serien und 2 Filme gedreht. Im Kino in der Rolle des Chinese Gangster im Spielfilm Pistol Whipped.

Binh Dang

Filme (2)

Pistol Whipped
Pistol Whipped
Chinese Gangster
Force of Execution
Force of Execution

Produktion (18)

The Hard Way
The Hard Way
Born to Raise Hell
Born to Raise Hell
Shadow Man
Shadow Man
End of a Gun
End of a Gun
Contract to Kill
Contract to Kill
Killing Salazar
Killing Salazar
Attack Force
Attack Force
The Ravine
The Ravine
Cannibal Cabin
Cannibal Cabin
Santa Games
Santa Games
Menorah in the Middle
Menorah in the Middle
Amityville Uprising
Amityville Uprising
Devil's Workshop
Devil's Workshop
Jurassic Tale
Jurassic Tale
Where the Scary Things Are
Where the Scary Things Are
Alpha Code
Alpha Code
My Christmas Fiancé
My Christmas Fiancé