  • SERIEN 6
  • FILME 3

Aubrey Manning

Aubrey Manning hat 6 Serien und 3 Filme gedreht. Unter anderem spielte sie Wedding Officiant in der Serie Grey's Anatomy.Im Kino in der Rolle der Mrs. Newton im Spielfilm The Way We Weren't.

Aubrey Manning

Serien (6)

Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Wedding Officiant
Dr. House
Dr. House
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
How to Get Away with Murder
How to Get Away with Murder
Ray Donovan
Ray Donovan
Lorraine Windsor
The Mindy Project
The Mindy Project
Mrs. Hegarty

Filme (3)

The Way We Weren't
The Way We Weren't
Mrs. Newton
Psycho In-Law
Psycho In-Law
Breaking Legs
Breaking Legs
Sister Mary Gaberdine