  • GEBURTSDATUM 26/08/1918
  • TOD 16/08/2001
  • Land Vereinigte Staaten
  • SERIEN 6
  • FILME 17

Dave Barry

Dave Barry ist ein 82-jähriger Schauspieler (26 août 1918 - 16 août 2001). Dave Barry hat 6 Serien und 17 Filme gedreht. Unter anderem spielte er Dave Barry in der Serie Bezaubernde Jeannie.Im Kino in der Rolle des Beinstock im Spielfilm Some Like It Hot.

Dave Barry

Serien (6)

Bezaubernde Jeannie
Bezaubernde Jeannie
Dave Barry
Green Acres
Green Acres
Insurance Man
The Monkees
The Monkees
Inspector Blount
Dezernat M
Dezernat M
Richard Lowell
Notruf California
Notruf California
Tom Jensen
Flying High
Flying High
Jack Brice

Filme (17)

Some Like It Hot
Some Like It Hot
8 Ball Bunny
8 Ball Bunny
Bogart (voice) (uncredited)
Slick Hare
Slick Hare
Humphrey Bogart (voice) (uncredited)
Porky's Road Race
Porky's Road Race
Leslie Howard / Freddie Bartholomew / George Arliss / Edna May O
Bacall to Arms
Bacall to Arms
Bogey Gocart (voice) (uncredited)
The Deadwood Thunderball
The Deadwood Thunderball
Rattfink (voice)
Pre-Hysterical Hare
Pre-Hysterical Hare
Elmer Fudd / Elmer Fuddstone (voice, uncredited)
Hush My Mouse
Hush My Mouse
Edward G. Robincat (voice) (uncredited)
She Was an Acrobat's Daughter
She Was an Acrobat's Daughter
Lester Coward (voice) (uncredited)
Mother Goose Goes Hollywood
Mother Goose Goes Hollywood
Groucho Marx / Eddie Cantor / Spencer Tracy / Hugh Herbert / Ned
Cat (voice)
Hare Conditioned
Hare Conditioned
Various (voice) (uncredited)
Curtain Razor
Curtain Razor
Various (voice) (uncredited)
Hollywood Steps Out
Hollywood Steps Out
Cary Grant / Clark Gable / Bing Crosby / Lewis Stone / Ned Spark
Life with Feathers
Life with Feathers
Radio Announcer (voice)
Catch as Cats Can
Catch as Cats Can
Frank Sinatra Canary (voice) (uncredited)
Malibu Beach Party
Malibu Beach Party
Ned Sparks (voice) (uncredited)