  • Regisseur Walt Disney
  • Dauer 7 Minuten
  • Genres Western, Zeichentrick, Comedy
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Externe Links IMDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 12 janvier 2025 - 05:15
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Alice in the Wooly West

3 Mitglieder

Julius is out for a ride on his horse; he does some rope tricks. Some bad guys rob a stagecoach; one of the passengers is Alice, who finds herself stuck between the head bad guy and a cactus. Julius rides in and saves most of the passengers, but the bad guy rides off with Alice. After a short chase, he ends up battling Julius on top of a tall rock outcropping. A piece eventually breaks off, sending both of them into a boulder field. They play hide-and-seek a while. Julius then takes off his fur and sends it out as a decoy while he sneaks up behind the bad guy with a club and beats him into the ground. Alice comes up to thank him; ashamed by his nakedness, he hides behind a rock and puts his fur back on, then accepts her thanks.

