  • Regisseur Ryu Kato
  • Dauer 10 Minuten
  • Genre Zeichentrick
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Externe Links IMDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 22 octobre 2020 - 17:12
    auf 11 Datenbanken


1 Mitglied

The stars in the sky seem to maintain the remote, eternal order which earthbound souls can hardly hope to attain, as it would take exceptional energy to transform oneself from an earthly creature into a brightly shining star. However, the ugly nighthawk who had experienced great hardship being despised by fellow birds managed to convert that hardship into enormous energy to fly up to heaven, and in the end could glow as the nighthawk star. A short made by Ryu Kato celebrating Kenji Miyazawa's 80+ years of fairy tales based on the story of the same name. (Source: The World of Kenji Miyazawa)


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