  • Dauer 12 Minuten
  • Genres Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
  • Sprache Japanisch
  • Externe Links TheMovieDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 14 octobre 2024 - 06:02
    auf 11 Datenbanken

ONE PIECE 3D 激走! トラップコースター

One Piece Special: 3D Theater! Trap Coaster
94 Mitglieder

Luffy continues his voyage with the Straw Hat Pirates in hopes of becoming the Pirate King. That is until he crosses paths with one of the Marine’s most intelligent captains, Captain Trap. Determined to capture Luffy, the captain attacks the Thousand Sunny with various traps he created. His intention is to make Luffy his right hand man.

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