  • Regisseur Gil Cardinal
  • Dauer 1 Stunde 10 Minuten
  • Genre Dokumentation
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Externe Links IMDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 21 décembre 2024 - 13:47
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Totem: The Return of the G'psgolox Pole

1 Mitglied

This feature-length documentary traces the journey of the Haisla people to reclaim the G'psgolox totem pole that went missing from their British Columbia village in 1929. The fate of the 19th century traditional mortuary pole remained unknown for over 60 years until it was discovered in a Stockholm museum where it is considered state property by the Swedish government. Director Gil Cardinal combines interviews, striking imagery and rare footage of master carvers to raise questions about ownership and the meaning of Aboriginal objects held in museums.


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