  • Regisseur Vincent de Cointet
  • Dauer 52 Minuten
  • Genres Dokumentation, Geschichte
  • Sprache Französisch
  • Externe Links TheMovieDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 23 octobre 2024 - 22:17
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Le Procès des Ceausescu : une révolution volée

2 Mitglieder

30 years after the fall of the Romanian dictator Ceausescu in 1989, we get a reconstruction of one of the most violent events during the fall of the communist regimes.
The investigation exposes the gray areas of a coup d'état sparked by the ex-communist elites under the guise of a people's revolution. And zooms in on the role of the media in the mock trial and execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena.

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