  • Regisseur 白土武
  • Dauer 48 Minuten
  • Genre Zeichentrick
  • Sprache Japanisch
  • Externe Links IMDB-Seite
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 26 septembre 2024 - 01:18
    auf 11 Datenbanken

キン肉マン 大暴れ!正義超人

2 Mitglieder

When Bibimbap, the last daughter of the Horumon Clan falls in love with Kinnikuman during her mission to assassinate him, her father Horumon Yaki enlists the aide of Shishkeba Boo of the Barbecue Clan, promising him Bibimba's hand in marriage. Shishkeba Boo himself has joined forces with the "Dark Monarch" Black Emperor, who looks to destroy Kinnikuman.
