With one female member down, there's a storm brewing in Good Guys' camp. After last week's Inferno, and the departure of Rachel, its back to business as usual for both teams, which means partying till the late hours of the morning. When Johnny Bananas and Ace invade the bedrooms of some of their female teammates in the middle of the night, it causes Colie, Susie, and Cara to sound off the next day. Johnny tries to argue that it was meant to be a joke, but the girls don't want to hear it. Ace is particularly upset with Susie who slapped him several times during the incident. Later on, Timmy tries to intervene between Susie and Ace, and while Susie is willing to find a way to get along, Ace tells Timmy he is over it.
The following morning both teams meet up for the next group challenge, which is called Rope Burn. During Rope Burn, both teams must start a fire in order to burn through a rope that is supporting a platform that is holding several of the opposing team's members. In order to start the fire both teams must swim across the lake and under the platforms, to an island where flammable materials are being kept. The trickiest part of Rope Burn is not starting the fire, but keeping the materials dry as your transport them back across the lake. To make it even more difficult, the opposing team's members that are stranded on the platforms are equipped with buckets of water that they can dump off of the side in order to ruin any fire building resources.
Once the challenge begins, both teams are able to build up a good amount of firewood and hay quickly. Unfortunately, neither team can figure out how to get their first small fire started. After some time, Johnny Bananas and Danny both remember that you can create a fire rubbing steel wool on the top of a charged battery. Shortly after, Johnny is able to get small fire started and soon the Good Guys have a bonfire lit that quickly burns through The Bad Asses' rope.
That night, both teams begin to choose who the
Wenn Sie ein Fan von Reality-Shows sind, bei denen die Teilnehmer an ihre körperlichen und mentalen Grenzen gehen müssen, dann sollten Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf 'Physical: 100' werfen. Die Serie kommt aus Südkorea und ist eine Mischung aus Gameshow, Kampfkunst-Reality-Show und Sport. Hier treffen 100 Kandidaten in Topform aufeinander, um den ultimativen Ehrentitel und natürlich auch das Preisgeld zu gewinnen.
Die Show wird von dem Meister Jeong Young-han geleitet und zeigt prominente Teilnehmer wie Yoshihiro Akiyama oder Yun Sung-bin. Aber nicht nur die bekannten Gesichter machen diese Show so spannend. Es sind vor allem die Herausforderungen, die den Zuschauern den Atem rauben.
Jede Episode bringt neue Aufgaben mit sich. Da gibt es zum Beispiel einen Raum voller Gipstorsos der Konkurrenz oder Duelle, bei denen Verlierer nach Hause gehen müssen. Die Wettkämpfer müssen ständig ihre eigenen Grenzen überwinden und beweisen, dass sie der beste aller Teilnehmer sind.