  • Original-Veröffentlichung
  • Episode S01E01
  • Genres Action, Drama, Fantasy, Geschichte, Krieg
  • Externe Links Seite TheTVDB
  • Letzte Aktualisierung 29 décembre 2021 - 11:15
    auf 11 Datenbanken

Shantanu accepts Bhishma as son

61 Mitglieder

Ganga tells Shantanu that Devavrat is their son. Satyavati comes to know about Devavrat and leaves Shantanu. At the palace, Shantanu announces Devavrat as the Prince of Hastinapur. Devavrat visits Satyavati to convince her to stay with Shantanu, but she asks Shantanu to choose between her and his son.

Nächste Episode
S01E02 - Bhishma saves Vichitravirya


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