
Lore For Noobs - The Horde (Part 11)

Years have past since the defeat of the mighty Horde, the Warsong survivors have been roaming the wilderness, evading capture. The Orcish homeworld of Draenor was torn apart by the arcane energies and was named Outland. The Orcs on Draenor have been growing in numbers and trying to survive on a dying world.

Sometime after the portals closed a pitlord named Magtheridon found his way to Draenor and united the remaining Orc Clans under his banner. He then proceeded to make all of Outland his own by enslaving or killing most of the natives. Back on Azeroth the majority of the Horde forces were in internement camps with the exception of a few scattered clans. One of these clans was the fearsome Dragonmaw Clan that had provided the Horde with red dragons during the Second War.

You see when Alliance pushed the Horde back to the Dark Portal they freed a good chunk of Dwarves who had hidden underground and in mountains in the land of Khaz Modan but not all of the Dwarves were free. You see the majority of the region was still controlled by the Dragonmaw clan who had dominion over the great red dragons. Using Grim Batol as their mountain base of operations they launched countless raids on nearby farms and villages.

A former Orc Warlock Nekros Skullcrusher was using an artifact called the demon soul to keep the Dragon-Queen Alexstrasza subdued and forced her to make more dragonkin for him to abuse. With this power he hoped to one day revitalize and take over the Horde. He would rule the land with an army of red dragons at his command. Unfortunately his plan was thwarted by the most uncanny alliance to date. Deathwing, Rhonin Redhair, Vereesa Windrunner, and Falstad Wildhammer. The Dragonmaw were slaughtered and the few who remained fled into the foothills of Khaz Modan. After that the rest of the Dwarves were freed, they came out of hiding and were able to live in peace once more.

A few more years passed and the bulk of the Horde on Azeroth remained in internment camps they became lethargic and dull, until an enigmatic young Orc combined the forces of the Warsong and Frostwolf clans and began to free them. His name... was Thrall, raised by humans and alienated from his people much of his life he was eager to free and reconnect with them. He along side Grom Hellscream and Orgrim Doomhammer created a new Horde from the ashes of the old one and stormed the interment camps where they were keeping the Orcs and used the power of shamanisn to show that the Horde calls to them once more!

Though significantly smaller than the original Horde, they were growing. Sadly while freeing an internment camp the Warchief of the Horde Orgrim Doomhammer was slain by a human knight. It was an attack from behind but lethal nonetheless. His dying words were to Thrall who would wear his armor and use his weapon as well as carry the title of Warchief of the Horde.

While roaming the wilderness Thrall encountered Medivh in the form of a nameless prophet. Medivh saw the coming of scourge and the Burning legion so he advised Thrall to sail his people west to the forgotten lands of Kalimdor. Thrall took this advice to heart and did just that. On his journey he sailed through the Maelstrom and had to take shelter somewhere. There was a nearby island full of jungle trolls led by a witch doctor named Sen'jin, they called themselves the Darkspear tribe.

They welcomed the Horde presence but, they had a few problems on their island, the first was that there were humans attacking them along with a Sea witch named Zar'Jira using murloc lackeys to take trolls prisoner so that she could sacrifice them. The Horde quickly laid waste to the humans and were able to hold off the witches forces long enough for them to flee the island. Unfortunately a casualty in these battles was Sen'jin who was killed by a crafty murloc, but in his last moments Sen'jin had a vision that Thrall and the Horde would protect the Darkspear tribe and lead them into an age of glory.

With Sen'jin dead someone had to take over and that duty fell to his son Vol'jin, he pledged his allegiance to the Horde and sailed off but as they sailed away from the island Zar'jira sent a spell called a Dark Tide after them, which just sounds like it would be trouble when your in the middle of the ocean on a wooden ship. Anyways they arrived to Kalimdor with heavy casualties and completely totaled ships, Landing with only a few Horde warriors Thrall searched for more up and down the coast. Later the Horde found most of their forces except Grom and his clan so Thrall took whatever forces he had with him and started searching for them.

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