
MLM MAGIC BEADS... Let's Talk About "KM" and BS Beads | #ANTIMLM

2 Mitglieder

Kim Marshall is a hunbot that must be stopped... her antics have gone too far, and she believes she is untouchable. Today I'll be talking about Kim Marshall (I CAN'T believe I pronounced her name wrong the whole video! I promise you I did so much research on this but when I went up to film I had a total brain fart on her last name. lmao!) I'll be diving into all the controverisal things Kim Marshall (or, KM) has done, the oddest of them all being her constant promotion of these "magic beads" that she has made some outrageous claims about. The most important take away is that what KM has been doing is illegal, and we can help put an end to these illegal actions by reporting her to the FTC. PLEASE, PLEASE do not send any hate Kim's way, because she will only use that as ammunition. Instead, please help me in reporting KM to the FTC. Hate will only bring out more hate, and hating on KM is not worth our time and energy.

FTC: https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/?utm_source=takeaction#crnt&panel1-1

Kim Marshall Reddit page: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterKM/
BeauTea with Ashlee's video on KM's charity scam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn8GRpHII-Q

INSTAGRAM: @cruelworldhappymind

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S01E09 - WORST MLM?... Lose Money with Beachbody, NOT Weight! #ANTIMLM
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